Chef Rui Ribeiro already has the Saviore

Chef Rui Ribeiro already has the Saviore

Chef Rui Ribeiro is the author of a very sweet blog, the faz&come, and besides cooking, he has one of his favorite activities in photography. Since he was little, with 5 or 6 years old, he loved helping his mother to beat cakes and, of course, in the end to shave the pot! read more
Saviore and its componentes

Saviore and its componentes

Saviore is an extinguisher that helps protect your home from small fires and, at the same time, is a unique decorative element that will make your friends jealous. read more
Saviore is the best solution for your home

Saviore is the best solution for your home

Using Saviore is not as difficult as traditional fire extinguishers and can still be a good decorative element in your home. read more
Is it advisable to have a fire extinguisher in the car?

Is it advisable to have a fire extinguisher in the car?

Having a fire extinguisher in a vehicle should not be considered only after a moment of distress or real need. It must be a real decision and the Saviore is an extinguisher that will make a difference in your vehicle. read more
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